sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

CASE 32: Newborn male with shoulder dystocia and arm swelling

Patient was reffered to us with history of complicated vaginal delivery. He had shoulder dystocia and when delivered, turned out to be marcrosomic. She had birth control and previous US showed that baby was large for gestational age but mother was quite big and she wanted vaginal delivery so OBs decided to hold c-section. Mother was 47 years old!.

After delivery, PEDs noted a swollen right arm and macroglosia. They asked us if there were signs of  clavicle fracture or luxation due to history but there was no pain on arm or neck. Also no palpable mass. Anyways at that time they were suspecting also some congenital anomaly even though patient didn't have clear physical stigmata.

Here are the images:

He apparently had right leg swelling, unnoticed before.

Findings?..what other exam would you recomend for this case?

Later I'll post the conclusion.

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