lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

CASE 40: Lukenschadel skull

In this case I chose not to include patient history because of the striking features of this condition that makes the radiological diagnosis straight forward.

Here are the relevant images in 3D volumetric format:

There are clusters of deep calvarial pits with steep edges and interspersed bony trabecular ridges that involve the inner table, diploe and the outer table. These changes are present at birth and can be normal and will spontaneously disappear by 4-6 months old, but not like this case in which craniosynostosis distorts calvariae with large and wide anterior fontanelae and stretched cavitas orbitalis. This cases are almost always associated with meningomyelocele or Chiari II malformation, so we have to dig deeper and search for those anomalies.

I've uploaded this and other cases on be sure to check them also, here is the link:

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