jueves, 30 de junio de 2016


This is a young female patient with chronic seizures. MRI shows a cleft that communicates the ependimal layer with extra-axial subarachnoid space. It usually has an abnormal grey matter linning like in this case.

Pretty straight forward:

By the way, previous case (CASE # 44) the diagnosis is Tuberous Sclerosis.

Also previous post is the 100th! so this one is 101th.


miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

Changes soon..

Hello!  After a long time (long in deed) I am back to post some interesting cases but also to make this blog more friendly to all interested in Medicine, mostly Neuroimaging including patients, collegues and friends.

Also, be warned that I'll be posting in spanish too. 

All of this is because I am now back from my Fellowship training in Neurointervention but I also see Diagnostic Neuroimaging in my private practice. 

Is my hope you all continue to learn as I do posting.  

Thank you